Whistler Events from ASM BM 250Hz data

Thematic areas: Magnetic measurements, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B


The WHIxEVT_2_ Product contains information about the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) portion of whistlers detected during ASM Burst Mode sessions.

Data access

FAST processing


Preview image

(delivered separately)

File contents


Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp_Whistler UTC Time of start of whistler signal N CDF_EPOCH
Latitude deg Position in ITRF - Latitude N CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude deg Position in ITRF - Longitude N CDF_DOUBLE
Radius m Position in ITRF - Radius N CDF_DOUBLE
LT hours Local Time at satellite position N CDF_DOUBLE
Whistler_Dispersion s½ Dispersion of whistler signal N CDF_DOUBLE
Whistler_t0 UTC Estimated initial time of whistler propagation inside the ionosphere N CDF_EPOCH
Whistler_t0_uncertainty s Estimated uncertainty on Whistler_t0 N CDF_DOUBLE
Intensity pTHz-1 Intensity of whistler signal in the frequency range between 16 and 125 Hz N CDF_DOUBLE
Timestamp UTC Time of the time series in the whistler time-window N*m CDF_EPOCH
TimeFrac ns Fractional time of observation: ns within second in the whistler time-window N*m CDF_UINT4
F_analysed nT High-pass filtered magnetic field intensity in the whistler time-window N*m CDF_DOUBLE
Flags - Binary combination of the values taken by Flag_outlier Flag_magnetic_condition Flag_heater and Flag_step N*m CDF_UINT1
Timestamp_PSD UTC Time of the PSD over the whistler time-window N*m CDF_EPOCH
Frequencies_PSD Hz Frequencies of PSD p CDF_DOUBLE
PSD nT Hz Power Spectral Density values at Timestamp_PSD over Frequencies_PSD N * n * p CDF_DOUBLE

More details

In the Dim column, N indicates the number of whistler events contained in the data file, m the number of points of the corresponding time-series, n the number of points of the corresponding PSD, p the number of frequencies of the PSD

Flags is stored as a 8 bits unsigned integer and can nominally take values from 0 to 15. This number can be written in a binary form such as Flags = '0000abcd', where:

Related resources

ASM Whistler Product Description:

ASM Whistler Available Product list:
