Whistler Events from ASM BM 250Hz data
Thematic areas: Magnetic measurements, Space Weather
Applicable missions: Swarm
Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B
The WHIxEVT_2_ Product contains information about the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) portion of whistlers detected during ASM Burst Mode sessions.
(delivered separately)
Variable |
Units | Description | Dim | Type |
Timestamp_Whistler | UTC | Time of start of whistler signal | N | CDF_EPOCH |
Latitude | deg | Position in ITRF - Latitude | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Longitude | deg | Position in ITRF - Longitude | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Radius | m | Position in ITRF - Radius | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
LT | hours | Local Time at satellite position | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Whistler_Dispersion | s½ | Dispersion of whistler signal | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Whistler_t0 | UTC | Estimated initial time of whistler propagation inside the ionosphere | N | CDF_EPOCH |
Whistler_t0_uncertainty | s | Estimated uncertainty on Whistler_t0 | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Intensity | pT2 Hz-1 | Intensity of whistler signal in the frequency range between 16 and 125 Hz | N | CDF_DOUBLE |
Timestamp | UTC | Time of the time series in the whistler time-window | N*m | CDF_EPOCH |
TimeFrac | ns | Fractional time of observation: ns within second in the whistler time-window | N*m | CDF_UINT4 |
F_analysed | nT | High-pass filtered magnetic field intensity in the whistler time-window | N*m | CDF_DOUBLE |
Flags | - | Binary combination of the values taken by Flag_outlier Flag_magnetic_condition Flag_heater and Flag_step | N*m | CDF_UINT1 |
Timestamp_PSD | UTC | Time of the PSD over the whistler time-window | N*m | CDF_EPOCH |
Frequencies_PSD | Hz | Frequencies of PSD | p | CDF_DOUBLE |
PSD | nT Hz-½ | Power Spectral Density values at Timestamp_PSD over Frequencies_PSD | N * n * p | CDF_DOUBLE |
In the Dim column, N indicates the number of whistler events contained in the data file, m the number of points of the corresponding time-series, n the number of points of the corresponding PSD, p the number of frequencies of the PSD
Flags is stored as a 8 bits unsigned integer and can nominally take values from 0 to 15. This number can be written in a binary form such as Flags = '0000abcd', where:
ASM Whistler Product Description:
ASM Whistler Available Product list: