Four-monthly time series of vector magnetic field values at fixed locations, on a uniform grid at satellite altitude

Thematic areas: Magnetic measurements

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Such data, regularly distributed in space and time are suitable for modelling the main geomagnetic field, for core flow inversion studies, and for data assimilation studies of the core dynamo process.

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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp - Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude deg Geocentric latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude deg Geocentric longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
Radius m Radius 1 CDF_DOUBLE
B_OB nT Estimated observed GVO magnetic field, spherical polar (r,theta,phi) vector components [i.e (-C,-N,E) components in NEC frame] 3 CDF_DOUBLE
sigma_OB nT Observed field estimated error 3 CDF_DOUBLE
B_CF nT Estimated core GVO magnetic field, spherical polar (r,theta,phi) vector components [i.e (-C,-N,E) components in NEC frame] 3 CDF_DOUBLE
sigma_CF nT Core field estimated error 3 CDF_DOUBLE
Timestamp_SV - Time of Secular Variation (*_SV) data 1 CDF_EPOCH
B_SV nT/yr Estimated secular variation (SV) GVO magnetic field, spherical polar (r,theta,phi) vector components [i.e (-C,-N,E) components in NEC frame] 3 CDF_DOUBLE
sigma_SV nT/yr Secular variation field estimated error 3 CDF_DOUBLE

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