Swarm Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Thermal Ion Imager (TII) Provisional plasma dataset

Thematic areas: Plasma measurements, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Swarm Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Thermal Ion Imager (TII) parameter for ionospheric ions bulk velocity, ion temperature, and electric field measurements obtained from a development, or "sandbox", processor from University of Calgary.

Data access

FAST processing


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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp s Times are seconds from 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 UT 1 CDF_DOUBLE
latitude deg ITRF spherical latitude derived from L1B Medium Orbit Determination (MOD) 1 CDF_DOUBLE
longitude deg ITRF spherical longitude derived from L1B MOD 1 CDF_DOUBLE
radius m ITRF spherical radius derived from L1B MOD 1 CDF_DOUBLE
v_SC m/s Satellite velocity vector in North East and Centre (NEC) frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
v_ion m/s Ion velocity vector in NEC frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
E mV/s Electric field vector in NEC frame 3 CDF_DOUBLE
T_ion K Ion temperature 1 CDF_DOUBLE
v_ion_H m/s Horizontal sensor ion velocity in TII coordinates x and y 2 CDF_DOUBLE
v_ion_V m/s Vertical sensor ion velocity in TII coordinates x and y 2 CDF_DOUBLE
rms_fit_H DN RMS error from TII x-profile 2-Gaussian fits H sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
rms_fit_V DN RMS error from TII x-profile 2-Gaussian fits V sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
var_x_H pixel^2 Variance of 16 Hz X moment H sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
var_y_H pixel^2 Variance of 16 Hz Y moment H sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
var_x_V pixel^2 Variance of 16 Hz X moment V sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
var_y_V pixel^2 Variance of 16 Hz Y moment V sensor 1 CDF_DOUBLE
SAA - South Atlantic Anomaly proximity indicator 1 CDF_INT4
Flags_TII - TII quality flag 1 CDF_INT4
Flags_Platform - Satellite platform flag 1 CDF_INT4
Maneuver_Id - Satellite maneuver identification code 1 CDF_INT4

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