Swarm Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Thermal Ion Imager (TII) Raw and Corrected Imagery and Spectra at Low resolution (TISL)

Thematic areas: Plasma measurements, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Swarm Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Thermal Ion Imager (TII) raw and corrected imagery and column sum spectra products at ligh resolution. Measurements are derived by University of Calgary within the "TII Raw And Corrected Imagery / Spectra" (TRACIS) project. This product represents an official archive of Level 0 TII full images and derived (Level 1B) gain-corrected images and energy and angle-of-arrival count-rate spectra. The low-resolution (LR) product consists of TII full images and derived products at the variable TII full image cadence, which varies from a few seconds to several minutes according to the operation plan for each satellite. Image quality is characterized with respect to various TII imaging anomalies.

Data access

FAST processing


Preview image

(delivered separately)

File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
Timestamp UTC Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude deg Geocentric latitude of orbit 1 CDF_REAL8
Longitude deg Geocentric longitude of orbit 1 CDF_REAL8
Radius m Geocentric radius of orbit 1 CDF_REAL8
Raw_image_H DN 40x66 array of raw image data for TII H sensor 2 CDF_UINT2
Raw_image_V DN 40x66 array of raw image data for TII V sensor 2 CDF_UINT2
Processed_image_H DN 40x66 array of gain-corrected image data for TII H sensor 2 CDF_UINT2
Processed_image_V DN 40x66 array of gain-corrected image data for TII V sensor 2 CDF_UINT2
Valid_imagery_H 0: no or partial image; 1: full image (H sensor) 1 CDF_UINT1
Valid_imagery_V 0: no or partial image; 1: full image (V sensor) 1 CDF_UINT1
TII_imaging_mode Imaging mode. 0: non-nominal; 1: nominal science 1 CDF_UINT1
Image_anomaly_flags_H H sensor bit-wise OR’d imaging anomaly flags. 1 CDF_UINT1
Image_anomaly_flags_V V sensor bit-wise OR’d imaging anomaly flags. 1 CDF_UINT1
CCD_dark_current_H DN H sensor CCD dark current (from a single pixel) 1 CDF_UINT2
CCD_dark_current_V DN V sensor CCD dark current (from a single pixel) 1 CDF_UINT2
CCD_temperature_H deg.C H sensor CCD temperature (derived from dark current) 1 CDF_REAL4
CCD_temperature_V deg.C V sensor CCD temperature (derived from dark current) 1 CDF_REAL4
V_MCP_H V H sensor MCP front voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_MCP_V V V sensor MCP front voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_Phos_H V H sensor phosphor voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_Phos_V V V sensor phosphor voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_Bias_H V H sensor inner dome bias voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_Bias_V V V sensor inner dome bias voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
V_Faceplate V Faceplate voltage 1 CDF_REAL4
Shutter_duty_cycle_H H sensor electrostatic shutter open duty cycle 1 CDF_REAL4
Shutter_duty_cycle_V V sensor electrostatic shutter open duty cycle 1 CDF_REAL4
Energy_map_H eV H sensor pixel kinetic energy map 2 CDF_REAL4
Energy_map_V eV V sensor pixel kinetic energy map 2 CDF_REAL4
Angle_of_arrival_map_H eV H sensor pixel angle-of-arrival map 2 CDF_REAL4
Angle_of_arrival_map_V eV V sensor pixel angle-of-arrival map 2 CDF_REAL4
Energy_spectrum_H H sensor ion kinetic energy spectrum (adjusted detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Energy_spectrum_V V sensor ion kinetic energy spectrum (adjusted detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Angle_of_arrival_spectrum_H H sensor ion angle-of-arrival spectrum (adjusted detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Angle_of_arrival_spectrum_V V sensor ion angle-of-arrival spectrum (detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Raw_energy_spectrum_H H sensor ion kinetic energy spectrum from uncorrected image (detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Raw_energy_spectrum_V V sensor ion kinetic energy spectrum from uncorrected image (detector counts) 2 CDF_REAL4
Raw_angle_of_arrival_spectrum_H C H sensor ion angle-of-arrival spectrum from uncorrected image (detector counts) 2 DF_REAL4
Raw_angle_of_arrival_spectrum_V C V sensor ion angle-of-arrival spectrum from uncorrected image (detector counts) 2 DF_REAL4
Energies_H eV H sensor energy spectrum energies 2 CDF_REAL4
Energies_V eV V sensor energy spectrum energies 2 CDF_REAL4
Angles_of_arrival deg Angle-of-arrival spectrum angles (both sensors) 2 CDF_REAL4

More details

Flag value    
No anomalies detected.   
Classic wing anomaly detected.   
Upper Angel’s wing anomaly detected.   
Lower Angel’s wing anomaly detected.   
Peripheral anomaly detected.   

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Product Descriptions:
