Thermospheric density

Thematic areas: Thermosphere

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Thermospheric density at the satellite location along with auxiliary parameters (altitude, latitude, longitude and local solar time). Derived from aerodynamic accelerations based on precise orbit determination data only (ACCxPOD_2_)

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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
time - Time of observation 1 CDF_EPOCH
density kg/m3 Density from GPS-derived accelerations 1 CDF_DOUBLE
density_orbitmean kg/m3 Orbit-average of density from GPS-derived accelerations 1 CDF_DOUBLE
validity_flag - Flag: 0 = nominal data, 1 = anomalous data 1 CDF_INT1
altitude m Altitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
latitude deg Geodetic latitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
longitude deg Geodetic longitude 1 CDF_DOUBLE
local_solar_time h Local solar time 1 CDF_DOUBLE

More details

Product identifier DNSxPOD_2_
Definition Thermospheric density at the satellite location along with auxiliary parameters (altitude, latitude, longitude and local solar time). Derived from aerodynamic accelerations based on precise orbit determination data only (ACCxPOD_2_).
Input Data MODx_SC_1B, STRxATT_1B, SC_xDYN_1B, ACCxPOD_2_
Input Time Span 24 hr
Spatial representation Time-series along satellite track, altitude (m), latitude (deg), longitude (deg) and local solar time (hours) available based on MODx_SC_1B
Time representation UTC (seconds – s), nominally with 30 s time step, as well as orbital averages
Units kg/m3 for density
Resolution 64 bit double precision floating point number format
Uncertainty 30% of variance from models for neutral density
Quality indicator Validation report DNSxVAL_2_
Data volume < 160 Kbyte per satellite per day
Output Data CDF file with time series
Output time span 24 hr
Update rate 1 month
Latency 21 days
Notes The density_orbitmean field contains the mean density, taken over one orbital period, for each time step. The orbital period in seconds is provided as metadata in the CDF file.
At high altitude and low solar activity, the errors inherent in the radiation pressure model and acceleration determination using GPS data can become significant compared to the magnitude of the acceleration signal. This can result in large density errors and even negative densities. Users are advised to use the orbit mean densities in those conditions.

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Level 2 Product Description:
