Auroral electrojets peaks and boundaries from LC

Thematic areas: Ionosphere/Magnetosphere, Space Weather

Applicable missions: Swarm

Applicable spacecraft: Swarm-A, Swarm-B, Swarm-C


Characterization of the auroral electrojets and auroral oval boundaries (by using LC method).

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File contents

Variable Units Description Dim Type
t_Peak Time of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction3 2 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude_Peak deg Geocentric latitude in ITRF of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_Peak deg Geocentric longitude in ITRF of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Latitude_Peak_QD deg QD latitude of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_Peak_QD deg QD longitude of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
MLT_Peak hour Magnetic Local Lime (QD) of WEJ and EEJ peaks in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
J A/km Peaks (minimum (WEJ) and maximum (EEJ)) of sheet current intensity in QD frame in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
t_EB Time of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude_EB deg Geocentric latitude of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in ITRF in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_EB deg Geocentric longitude of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in ITRF in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Latitude_EB_QD deg QD latitude of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_EB_QD deg QD longitude of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
MLT_EB hour Magnetic Local Lime (QD) of WEJ and EEJ equatorward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
t_PB Time of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_EPOCH
Latitude_PB deg Geocentric latitude of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in ITRF in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_PB deg Geocentric longitude of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in ITRF in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Latitude_PB_QD deg QD latitude of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Longitude_PB_QD deg QD longitude of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight directio 2 CDF_DOUBLE
MLT_PB hour Magnetic Local Time (QD) of WEJ and EEJ poleward boundaries in the order as they appear in the satellite flight direction 2 CDF_DOUBLE
Flags nan Quality indicator 1 CDF_UINT2

More details

Product identifier AEJxPBL_2F
Definition High-latitude ionospheric sheet current boundary locations, the locations of minimum (WEJ) and maximum (EEJ) eastward current density in QD frame, peak current intensity (in QD).
Input Data MAGx_LR_1B, Latest CHAOS model1 including, core, lithosphere, magnetosphere and secondary currents.
Input Time Span Up to one year
Spatial representation One geographic and quasi-dipole latitude/longitude pair for each output value. Longitudes and latitudes are taken from the nearest magnetic-field measurement. The Swarm footprints at 110 km altitude have been determined with radial mapping.
Time representation 20 – 25 min (4 values per orbit)
Units A/km (for peak sheet current density) nT (for ground B) and degree (for locations)
Resolution Full resolution (Double precision)
Uncertainty c.f. Olsen, N, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3635-3638, doi: 10.1029/96GL02896 and Aakjaer, C. D. et al., doi: 10.1186/s40623-016-0509-y
Quality indicator Note: Flag values are specified in binary. If two or more situations occurs simultaneously, the Flag value will be a sum of the different Flags values. For more information and examples (see SW-DS-GFZ-GS-001_AEBS_DPA, Swarm-AEBS Description of the Processing Algorithm)
Value Meaning
0000000000000 Both EEJ and WEJ are detected, and their current densities are zero at all boundaries.
0000000000001 No eastward currents detected.
0000000000010 No westward currents detected.
0000000000100 Equatorward EEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2, and the density is larger than 20% of peak value.
0000000001000 Poleward EEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2, and the density is larger than 20% of peak value.
0000000010000 Equatorward WEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2, and the density is larger than 20% of peak value.
0000000100000 Poleward WEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2, and the density is larger than 20% of peak value.
0000001000000 Swarm orbit does not fully cover the predefined oval latitude range2. Latitude gap is 2 degrees or larger.
0000010000000 Equatorward EEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.
0000100000000 Poleward EEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.
0001000000000 Equatorward WEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.
0010000000000 Poleward WEJ boundary occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.
0100000000000 Peak value of EEJ occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.
1000000000000 Peak value of WEJ occurs at the edge of the analysis area2.

Data volume Up to 6 MB
Data format CDF
Output time span Up to one year4
Update rate Daily
Latency < 1 day
Notes 1 Version information of Input Data are available in the CDF global attributes.
2 QD latitudes from 50 to 85 (Northern hemisphere) or -50 to -85 (Southern hemisphere). Note that Swarm orbits does not always cover this area completely.
3 If only eastward current detected timestamps for westward peak and boundaries are set to time of eastward peak and predefined oval boundaries, and vice versa.
4 Product contain data from the start of the first oval crossing of the year up until the end of the last oval crossing starting that year, i.e., may contain data from the next year if oval crossing occurs around midnight on the last day of the year.

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